Join the Jewish Parents Forum Leadership Circle

Join a community of engaged parents and grandparents committed to raising well-educated and morally courageous Jews, Zionists, and Americans. No cause is more urgent or more important for American Jewry.

We hope you'll consider a gift of $500 or more. Donations over $1,000 will be matched. All gifts are tax-deductible.

By joining the JPF Leadership Circle you will:


Join a Community of Engaged Parents

Leadership Circle members can attend invite-only focus groups and parlor meetings, with special opportunities to engage directly with our speakers at the Tikvah Center, in private residences, and over Zoom.


Access Special Resources for Families

We'll provide unique resources for parents to bring Tikvah's educational approach to your home, so parents and children can share a renewed appreciation for the riches of Jewish civilization, the heroic story of modern Israel, the meaning of America, and the foundational ideas of the West.


Support Tikvah's Educational Programs

Tikvah’s educational programs for exceptional middle school, high school, and college students seek to cultivate a rising generation of Jewish and Zionist leaders with moral confidence and civic courage, informed by Jewish wisdom and the lessons of Jewish history.

Join the Jewish Parents Forum Leadership Circle

For more information, please contact Jewish Parents Forum executive director Caroline Bryk at

Tikvah is a 501(c)(3) private operating foundation.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. EIN # 13-3676152
165 East 56th Street, 4th Floor · New York, NY · 10022 |